
Board Officers


Joe Stackhouse


Joe was appointed to the board in June 2021 when he was elected President, the office he continues to hold. A double-lung transplant saved his wife, Lisa’s life in October 2015. Joe feels serving on the board is one way he can give back and support the “next generation” of lung-transplant recipients. When he is not working, Joe spends his free time with Lisa and takes care of his aging parents


Vice President - VACANT


Deb Vreeman


Deb joined the board and was simultaneously elected as the new Treasurer in July 2022. She immediately began training for her new role at the annual golf fund-raising event at the end of July. She is also a member of the BNL t-shirt redesign committee. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis were the causes of her needing a double-lung transplant, which was performed in March 2019. In her free time, Deb enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, baking & cooking, using her embroidery machine, and learning new crafts. Summers bring rides with her husband in their Chevy Camaro convertible and an annual family vacation with their adult children and grandchildren to a cabin in Chetek, WI.


Patty Wagner


Patty joined the board in August 2021 as a director and presently serves as Secretary. She also publishes our quarterly newsletter and administers the BNL Facebook page. Her underlying disease is cystic fibrosis, and she is grateful for her double-lung transplant in July 1999. Retired in 2017. Patty enjoys spending winters in Mesa, AZ, designing and making greeting cards for family and friends, staying in touch with her loved ones via Zoom, and writing short stories or poetry.

Board Directors


Tammi Holets

Board Director

The board welcomed Tammi as a director in July 2022 and she is a member of the BNL t-shirt redesign committee. Tammi, who had COPD, received her double-lung transplant in October 2020 and likes reading crime and thriller fiction, camping, listening to classic rock music and creating arts & crafts. She also loves all breeds of dogs and enjoys dog sitting.


Lisa Stackhouse

Board Director

Lisa joined the board in June 2021 as a director. She designed the BNL website and is responsible for its ongoing maintenance. Lisa has cystic fibrosis, and her double-lung transplant took place in October 2015. She enjoys volunteering, reading mysteries and historical fiction, participating in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), taking care of her parents, and spending time with her husband, Joe, family and two toy poodles.